

2020年07月07日 11:49  点击:[]

姓名: 王跃峰

职称: 副教授


Email: yuefeng_wang@cqnu.edu.cn





[1]WangY.*, Xu Y.*, Tabari H., et al. (2020)Innovative trend analysis of annual and seasonal rainfall in the Yangtze RiverDelta, eastern China. Atmospheric Research, 231. doi:10.1016/j.atmosres.2019.104673.

[2]WangJ., Xu Y., Yang L., Wang Q., Yuan J., & Wang Y.*. (2020) Dataassimilation of high-Resolution satellite rainfall product improves rainfallsimulation associated with landfalling tropical cyclones in the Yangtze RiverDelta. Remote Sensing, 12, 276, doi: 10.3390/rs12020276.

[3]Wang,Y., Tabrari, H., Xu, Y.*, et al.(2019) Atmospheric and human induced influences on temporal variability ofwater level extremes in the Taihu Basin, China. Journal of Flood RiskManagement, doi: 10.1111/jfr3.12539.

[4]Wang,Y.,Tabrari, H., Xu, Y. *, et al. (2019) Unraveling the role of humanactivities and climate variability in water level changes in the Taihu Plainusing artificial neural network. Water, 11(4): 720-733.

[5]SongS., Zeng L., Wang Y., et al. (2019) The response of river networkstructure to urbanization: A multifractal perspective. Journal of CleanProduction, 221: 377-378.

[6]王强,许有鹏*王跃峰,等.(2019) 中国东部不同特征小流域水文对比观测试验分析.水科学进展,30(4):467-476.

[7]Wang,Y., Chen, X., Chen, Y., et al. (2017).Flood/drought event identification using an effective indicator based on thecorrelations between multiple time scales of the standardized precipitationindex and river discharge. Theoretical & Applied Climatology, 17(5):1-10.

[8]吴雷,许有鹏*,王跃峰,.(2017) 水文实验研究进展.水科学进展,28(4):632-640.

[9]Wang,Y., Xu, Y., Lei, C., et al. (2016).Spatio-temporal characteristics of precipitation and dryness/wetness in YangtzeRiver Delta, eastern china, during 1960–2012. Atmospheric Research,172-173:196-205.

[10]王跃峰,许有鹏*,张倩玉,.(2016). 太湖平原区河网结构变化对调蓄能力的影响.地理学报,71(3): 448-458.

[11]王跃峰,陈兴伟*,陈莹.(2014). 基于多时间尺度SPI的闽江流域干湿变化与洪旱事件识别.山地学报,32(1): 52-57.

[12]王跃峰,陈莹,陈兴伟*.(2013) 基于TFPW-MK法的闽江流域径流趋势研究.中国水土保持科学,11(5): 96-102.


[1]江苏省普通高校学术学位研究生科研创新计划项目,KYLX16_0042,城市化及防洪大包围建设对区域洪水及洪涝风险影响,1万元 (主持)

[2]重庆市教委科技项目,KGQN2019005132019,土地利用变化的多时空尺度水文效应研究——以嘉陵江流域为例,4万元 (主持)

[3]太阳成集团博士启动/人才引进项目,19XLB0092019,三峡库区典型小流域土地利用/覆被变化的洪水效应研究,6万元 (主持)

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